My Masters in Fine Art Ceramics has allowed me to ask the question ‘How Can Ceramic Vessels Become Activators For Well-being’.

A large body of work emerged from this quest; spending time making within earth, with wild and commercial clays – forging an alliance between materials and listening to the voice of Mother Earth.

Earth Vessel By Sonya Wilkins Ceramics

As a consequence, I have developed an authentic making practise where I believe I have heard her voice and now listen intently. This is to the point where I am now genuinely called to make within her natural recesses and crevices.

Creating Vessels For Well-Being Within Mother Earth

Please delve into the depths of this journey by reading my Research Practise Document which gives both a visual and textual rendition of my exploration, experiences, reflections and revelations. This will help you to understand the point at which I have now arrived. After all, creating a vessel for well-being is a challenge laden with genuine intention, hope and desire.

For this reason, you may also like to understand the professional context within which I find myself – that of blending two worlds; holistic healing and ceramics.Nature's Visual Language by Sonya Wilkins Ceramics My Theory & Professional Practice Essay allows me to discuss the ‘dance’ between science and spirituality as a timeline in history; explore semiology and iconology in nature and understand how materials seek alliance and hold a vibrancy that ‘speaks aloud’ if we are willing to listen…

You can watch me make each vessel on location by accessing my YouTube channel

In addition, I’ve created a map (below) showing where I foraged wild clays and where they ended up in each made vessel – a wild clay journey of types.

Wild Clay, Soil & Vessel Mapping

In order to honour the ground and earth in which I made each vessel I’ve also included some geology information below. This shows where I foraged 3 wild clays and the flow of this material to different making destinations. I’ve also noted the soil type I’ve been working within at each location for all 9 vessels.