Online shop

supported by Craft in Focus

a selection of my works can be found on the ‘Craft in Focus’ online shop. This is the same company who organise ‘Celebrating Ceramics’ each year, showcasing the best in ceramic art across the UK. I am fortunate enough to have been selected to exhibit with them for many years now, so I can offer you this secure online shopping experience, through their platform/

Craft in Focus Online


a selection of my ceramic vessels are also available to purchase through galleries who represent me and my work. These are listed further below. You may like to contact them to find out what stock they hold, before visiting, as this can vary from season to season. They will be happy to send you images and you can also purchase from them online if they are too far to visit/

Old Court House Gallery, Ambleside (cumbria)
Fire and Flux Gallery, Norwich (Norfolk)
A2 Gallery, Wells (Somerset)
Sonya Wilkins Holding Ceramic Tree Trunk Vessel in Hutton Woodland

I welcome commissions, so feel free to ask me to make a bespoke vessel for you or a loved one; maybe in response to a specific tree you would like remembered/

Commission Me
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